Finals Break Adjusted Hours

The RWC will have adjusted hours April 24th - May 11th. See them here.

UCF Outdoor Adventure presents National Parks Online

Explore on Your Own (through Google Earth): 

Acadia National Park  

Arches National Park 

Badlands National Park

Big Bend National Park 

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park 

Bruce Canyon National Park 

Canyonlands National Park 

Channel Islands National Park 

Cuyahoga Valley National Park 

Death Valley National Park 

Denali National Park 

Dry Tortugas National Park 

Everglades National Park 

Glacier National Park 

Grand Canyon National Park 

Grand Teton National Park 

Great Smoky Mountain National Park 

Guadalupe Mountains National Park 

Joshua Tree National Park 

Mesa Verde National Park 

Mount Rainier National Park 

Olympic National Park 

Redwood National and State Parks 

Rocky Mountain National Park 

Sequoia National Park 

Shenandoah National Park 

Virgin Islands National Park 

Wind Cave National Park 

Yellowstone National Park 

Yosemite National Park 

Zion National Park 

Take a Virtual Tour:  

The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks 

Explore Kenai Fjords National Park, Hawai’i Volcanos National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, and one close to home, Dry Tortugas National Park! Park Rangers will take you to some of the places in the park that you cannot normally explore, all from the comfort of home.  

Plan Your Next Trip: 

The National Park Service 

The National Park Service website offers a wealth of resources to plan your own trip for the future. Be sure to follow their guidelines and make good choices about your health. Use this time to plan the best trip you can for some a few months down the road. 

National Park Foundation
The National Park Foundation is the official non-profit partner of the National Park Service. You can explore and learn more about the National Parks on their website, along with ways to get involved with the protection and sustainability of the parks. This is a great resource to learn more about the impact humans can have on our natural lands 

Native Land 

Indigenous people occupied the land we now consider National Parks long before the park system was created, and it is important for adventurers to recognize and appreciate their presence and history. Native Land is a tool that maps out Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages. This tool is not meant to be an official, legal, or archival resource. It is instead a broadly researched and crowdsourced body of information. It is meant to encourage education and engagement on topics of Indigenous land—particularly, where you are traveling.