
The Recreation and Wellness Center is committed to creating a safe environment for everyone to enjoy. The policies below are designed to execute that directive.

General Facility Policies

Participation in Recreation and Wellness Center programs is completely voluntary. Individuals participate at their own risk and assume responsibility for their own health and safety. The University of Central Florida and the Recreation and Wellness Center are not liable for injuries sustained during participation in a Recreation and Wellness Center sponsored activity. It is strongly recommended that all participants consult a physician and/or have a physical exam prior to participation. The University of Central Florida does not provide personal accident/health insurance. Therefore, participants are urged to secure their own insurance. You may suffer physical and/or mental injury from participating in these activities.


  • Services are offered to UCF students only.
  • When coming into the athletic training room, please sign-in. Be sure to include your name, UCFID, and reason for the visit. Specific treatments may require additional documentation.
  • The athletic training room is for evaluation and treatment purposes only.
  • Athletic trainers reserve the right to refuse treatment. Appropriate treatment for any and all musculoskeletal injuries will be decided upon only by the athletic trainer and when necessarily approved physicians will be involved.
  • Students must be showered and dried off prior to receiving specific treatments. Also please remove footwear while receiving treatment on the treatment tables. No cleats, dirty equipment, profanity, abusive behavior, food or drinks are allowed in the athletic training room. Non-compliance will result in immediate dismissal.
  • No student is permitted to operate any athletic training room equipment. No self-treatment allowed! Do not remove items from the athletic training room without permission from the athletic training staff. This includes towels, tape, and equipment.
  • Participants must check out equipment with their ID.
  • Participants must show their ID to return the equipment.
  • Participants are responsible for lost or damaged equipment.
  • Participants are responsible for returning the equipment that they were issued.
  • In the event that equipment is stolen, lost or damaged, a fee will be assigned to the account the equipment was last lent out to.
  • Fees vary based on the type of equipment.
  • A student with an outstanding balance on their account for more than 7 days will not be allowed access into the RWC until the balance is paid.
  • Banner spaces may be utilized by UCF Registered Student Organizations and UCF Departments to advertise their events/organizations. Banner spaces may be reserved up to five (5) times per semester, for seven (7) consecutive days per reservation. There must be at least a one (1) week span between reservations for the same banner. There is no fee for UCF organizations and departments.
  • Banner spaces may be utilized by non-UCF Organizations to advertise their organization and/or events.  The rate for the banner space is $125/per week; $400/per month; $1200/ per semester based on availability. Please note that space is limited, UCF organizations and departments have priority.
  • The preferred banner size is 6'x4' with 3'x5' being the smallest size. Banners that are 10'x5' will be accepted based on space availability. The banners must be event-specific, stating the event name, date, time, and location. You must enter the exact verbiage on the request form for a preliminary review of the content. Banners will be reviewed to ensure appropriate content and messages are conveyed. The RWC reserves the right to deny any request submitted. Banners must be professionally made out of vinyl and have metal grommets. Banners that do not meet these criteria will not be hung.
  • Banners will be hung and taken down by RWC staff at non-peak hours. Please drop your banner off to the RWC Administrative Office, room 204, by 5 pm the day before the banner is to be hung.
  • Early delivery of banners will only be accepted three (3) business days prior to the reservation. Banners must be retrieved no later than five (5) business days following the removal date. We are NOT responsible for banners left after 5 days.
  • The Recreation and Wellness Center assumes no responsibility for damage that may occur to a banner during handling or due to weather.
  • The Marketing Coordinator will review your request and contact you regarding the availability and/or status of your request.
  • Government Issued Photo ID required. Transfer of ID’s or assistance with an ineligible entry is considered fraud
  • UCF students must be at least 17 years of age: members and guests must be at least 18 years of age
  • Food and drinks are limited to hallways and vendor areas
  • Beverages must be in closed plastic containers
  • Shirt and shoes must be worn
  • Only non-marking shoes on wood floors
  • Filming is not permitted unless authorized by RWC staff
  • Pets are not permitted on RWC facilities. Service animals that provide assistance to individuals with disabilities are permitted when in compliance with University policy.
  • Please report any equipment or facility problems to the RWC staff
  • Bicycles, skateboards, motorized skateboards/scooters, hoverboards & rollerblades are not permitted in the building
  • RWC is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items
  • Users are expected to be responsible, courteous, and safety conscious
  • Users who disregard policies and guidelines may be asked to leave the facility and could experience a loss of recreational services
  • Smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol, and any open flames are not permitted.
  • Use of speakers, including cell phones, where sound can be heard by others for personal music/use is strictly prohibited. Headphones are required for use of any personal audio within all Rec facilities.
  • Walkers must use the outside lane. Faster participants must use inside lanes.
  • Directional signs will specify clockwise or counter-clockwise running.
  • Stretching areas are located on the west entrance to the track

The Recreation and Wellness Center keeps all items for one month. After the one month period, valuables are turned over to the University Police Department and nonvaluable items are donated to a charity organization.

Multipurpose Courts: Facility Use

  • Only closed-toe athletic shoes with non-marking soles are allowed.
  • Hanging on the rim is not permitted. Dunking between games is not permitted.
  • Participants must refrain from the deliberate abuse of the walls, doors, ceilings, equipment, etc. by kicking or striking with racquets, balls, etc.
  • Disassembling or moving equipment that has been set up is not allowed. Contact Member Services or a Building Manager with questions.
  • Violations of any gymnasium court rule may result in immediate ejection from the facility.
  • Primary use of the courts is for racquetball and handball. It is acceptable to drill and/or hit with tennis, badminton, and squash racquets including pickleball paddles 
  • No baseballs, soccer, lacrosse balls, or any hard balls are permitted in the courts 
  • Weight equipment is not permitted in the courts 
  • A table tennis table may be placed in one court upon request if courts are available 
  • No food or drink permitted except water in a closed non-glass container 
  • Non marking shoes required 
  • Do not apply tape to the floor 
  • Intentionally hitting the glass, floor, or walls is prohibited 
  • Any damage caused by not following rules will be responsibility of the participant 
  • Eye protection is strongly recommended

The Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) recognizes the need to strike a balance between the individual's right to be free from invasion of privacy and the institution's duty to promote a safe environment for all community members.

The purpose of video surveillance in the Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) is to:

  • Promote a safe environment by deterring acts of harassment or assault.
  • Deter theft and vandalism and assist in the identification of individuals who commit damage to Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) property.
  • Assist law enforcement agencies with regard to the investigation of any crime that may be depicted.
  • Assist in the daily operations of the Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC).

Signs will be posted in appropriate areas, either at the entrance to the area under surveillance (e.g. on the entrance gate to the pool or building) or in close proximity to the camera informing the general public of the usage of video surveillance on campus.

At no time will persons other than those designated by the Director of the Recreation & Wellness Center have access to the monitors or to the recordings made in the course of the surveillance. Personal information contained on the recordings shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law.

The focus of cameras used in video surveillance in the Recreation and Wellness Center will not cover areas where there is an expectation of privacy.

The RWC utilizes the Thorguard Lightning prediction system to warn staff and users about potentially hazardous weather.

If you hear a warning and continue to play, you do so at your own risk!

  • Participants will be warned by our Thorguard lightning prediction system, which sounds one prolonged blast of the horns, signaling suspension of play.
  • All participants should leave their respective outdoor area and either return to the RWC or go to a lightning rod equipped shelter, or to your vehicle.
  • Lightning is a severe hazard that must be viewed seriously!
  • RWC participants should stop play and seek shelter anytime they believe lightning threatens them, even if a signal has not been sounded.
  • The resumption of play is signaled by three five-second blasts of the horns.


Aquatics Policies

  • Shower before entering the pool.
  • Proper and appropriate swim attire must be worn at all times.
  • The bathing load is 123 persons. Maximum pool temperature water shall not exceed 104F.
  • The following items are not permitted:
    • Food or beverages
    • Alcohol and/or tobacco products
    • Running on the pool deck
    • Personal flotation devices
    • Glass containers
    • Spitting, blowing nose, or discharging other bodily fluids into the pool
    • Swallowing of pool water
  • The Absence & Rain Policy was put in place to discourage swim lesson participants from failing to attend our free classes. The policy is a way for us to ensure that our lessons are being utilized by all who are registered.
  • All participants who fail to attend the first lesson of the session will be automatically withdrawn from the class.
  • During the session, if an emergency arises then it is the participant's responsibility to make their instructor aware of their absence prior to the lesson and bring proper documentation.
  • Only one unexcused absence will be permitted per session. Each unexcused absence will subsequently result in a $5.00 fee per absence to the participant. This policy applies for up to 3 absences. Thereafter, the participant will be removed from the program.
  • In the event of inclement weather, the lesson will be moved indoors, swim lessons will not be canceled.
  • If the participant decides that they will no longer be able to participate in the program, they MUST notify the Administrative Office at the Recreation and Wellness Center ASAP in order to withdraw. Doing so will prevent any consequences due to future absences.


Fitness Policies

  • When using RWC Fitness spaces, users should adhere to the following guidelines and policies
    • Participation is voluntary, exercise at your own risk.
    • Participants are encouraged to consult a physician before beginning an exercise program.
    • Participants are responsible for and should secure their own medical insurance.
    • Students and Guests must adhere to directives from RWC staff concerning safety and risk management, and quality of equipment.
    • Users in violation of policies may be asked to discontinue activity or have access restricted to the facility.
    • Report all injuries or broken equipment to RWC staff.
  • While utilizing fitness facilities and programs within the RWC, users should follow these guidelines related to attire:
    • Appropriate athletic attire is required to promote a clean and safe environment.
    • Jeans and cargo shorts/pants are not permitted.
    • Clothing with any protruding metallic zippers, clasps, hooks, buttons, chains, or items that otherwise may damage upholstery may not be worn.
    • Athletic shoes or sneakers are required at all times. Footwear must be closed-toe and have non-marking soles. No Crocs, dress shoes, sandals, or slides.
    • Shirts/tops must be worn at all times.
    • It is recommended that shirts/tops cover the torso when in contact with fitness equipment. Individuals are encouraged to wipe down equipment with RWC-supplied wipes both before and after use.
    • Shorts must be long enough to cover the buttocks and groin area while exercising.
    • Swimming apparel is only permitted in aquatic facilities.
    • The RWC reserves the right to restrict the use of any apparel, attire, or equipment deemed unsafe.
  • To maintain safe and clean fitness facilities, the RWC requests your cooperation with the following expectations
    • Return equipment and weights to their proper location. Do not remove equipment from their designated floors within the facility.
    • For participants' safety, please avoid activity in walkways or near emergency doors.
    • Backpacks, gym bags, purses, fanny packs, helmets, rackets, skateboards, longboards, etc., are not allowed on any fitness floor.
    • Only sealable containers and sports bottles are permitted.
    • Olympic lifting and any overhead lifts are strictly prohibited.
    • To avoid damaging equipment, please do not drop the free weights/dumbbells. Standing/sitting on weight plates is also prohibited.
    • Collars must be used on free-weight bars with plates, regardless of load.
    • Attachments must be used on cable-driven equipment to avoid pulling or damaging the cables and bulbs.
    • Only forward-facing movements are permitted on cardio equipment.
    • Please use the handles on all cardio equipment and avoid direct contact with the electronic consoles.
    • The Functional Turf area is designated for functional and dynamic movements that require moving up/down or across the turf. Core and static stretching are permitted on the outside ends of the Functional Turf.
    • Only Personal Trainers employed by RWC can train clients in the facility.
    • Please be mindful of loud grunting or excessive noise that can affect the safety or quality of other members in the facility.
  • All requests for a refund must be submitted in writing to the Assistant Director of Fitness. It is expected clients will use the sessions by the end of the agreement date. 
  • If a client for any reason is not fully satisfied with the trainer they are assigned, the option is available to switch trainers to better suit the client's expectations. 
  • Clients will only be refunded for Personal Training sessions under the following conditions: 
    • A physician's orders signifying that the client can no longer participate in physical activity. 
    • Extenuating circumstances such as military leave or transfer to another University will also be considered but must be approved by the Assistant Director. 
    • You have 3 business days after signing this agreement to request a refund. You may be charged 15% of the program cost after the initial 3-day period.
  • The RWC Fitness floor has platforms available for specific weightlifting exercises. 
  • RWC staff reserves the right to modify or prohibit any exercises deemed unsafe or inappropriate for the platform. 
  • Please be mindful of other patrons waiting to use the area. RWC staff reserves the right to limit the amount of time spent on a platform. Please allow others to exercise during peak times. 
  • Deadlifting is the primary authorized lift allowed on the platforms and may not be performed elsewhere in the facility. 
  • Olympic lifting and any overhead lifts are strictly prohibited. 
  • Only the lifter and spotter(s) are permitted on the platform while an exercise is being performed. 
  • Athletic shoes or sneakers are required at all times. 
  • Collars must be used on free-weight bars with plates, regardless of load. 
  • Users who use chalk for grip purposes must keep chalk in closed containers and clean up all evidence of chalk after use. 


Intramural Sports Policies

Intramural Sports policies are governed by the annual team Captains Guide. Visit the Intramural Sports site for a copy of the guide, or visit the RWC administrative office for a hard copy.


Outdoor Adventure Policies

All trip participants are required to attend a pre-trip meeting. Outdoor Adventure makes every effort to hold pre-trip meetings at times that are convenient for most students. If a legitimate excuse arises (class) you must schedule an appointment to meet with the Trip Lead or Outdoor Adventure Coordinator prior to the pre-trip meeting. Failure to attend the pre-trip meeting will forfeit your spot and your deposit.


Some trips, usually three nights or longer, may require you to purchase certain items such as clothing, and/or gear. They are not limited to but may include: boots, synthetic clothing, gloves, rain gear, etc. We will provide some items that are essential to the trip. These items will be discussed at the pre-trip meeting. Typically, participants are responsible for showing up with the appropriate clothing.

Fees & Refunds

Trip deposit or the total cost is required to hold a spot on the trip roster. Full payment for trips is required by the trip sign-up deadline posted for the trip or your spot will be given to someone on the waiting list. All trip costs are non-refundable, except in the event that the RWC Outdoor Adventure Trips program cancels a trip due to weather, insufficient participation or destination availability issues, at which time participants will receive a full refund.

Trip Safety

Precautions will be made to ensure the utmost safety for all trips. It is important for all participants to inform the Trip Lead or Outdoor Adventure Coordinator of any pertinent medical information by the completion of the medical form. If you have a specific medical condition that requires prescription medication, it is your responsibility to have ample supplies on the trip. In addition, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products is not permitted on any trip. Failure to comply with this policy can result in a referral to the Office of Student Conduct and / or being sent home at your expense.

Extended Trip Participant Availability

In an effort to offer opportunities to new participants to attend extended trips (defined as 4 nights or longer), participants will enter each school year as a new participant. After attending an extended trip, they will be considered a returning participant. After the first extended trip of the year, 80% of trip spots will be available to new participants, while 20% of trip spots will be available to returning participants.

In the circumstance that an extended trip is geared towards experienced participants, 80% of trip spots will be available for returning participants, while 20% will be available to new participants.


  • A minimum of 8 participants is required for any Challenge Course Program.
  • Reservation requests must be made at least 21 business days prior to the day of the event, or by special request pending approval by Assistant Director of Outdoor Adventure.
  • For the benefit of the group experience, participants are expected to stay for the whole extension of the program. Participants are not allowed to come after the program has already started. We encourage participants to plan accordingly for the times the program has been scheduled.
  • Reservations for the high elements are only accepted after a low element program is completed and within the same academic semester.
  • Failure to arrive on the day of the program and/or having less than 85% of the final participant count will result in a fee of $100.00 charged to the organization or group contact.
  • In order to receive the student rate, all members of the group must be current UCF students.
  • On the day of the program, participants exceeding the number stipulated on the contract by the group contact will not be allowed to participate.
  • The minimum age for the Challenge Course is 16 years old. 

Program Fees

Cancellation Fees

  • UCF Department, Non-Profit, and Corporate groups that cancel at least one week prior to the program date will receive a full refund minus a $50.00 processing fee.
  • UCF Department, Non-Profit, and Corporate groups that cancel within one week of the program date will not receive a refund.
  • UCF Student groups who cancel within one week of the program date will be charged a processing fee of $50.00. There is no fee if a UCF Student group cancels at least one week prior to the program date.
  • UCF Student groups with 3 cancellations are not permitted to make future reservations until meeting with Outdoor Adventure Assistant Director or their designee

Participant Count Fees

  • A final participant count must be provided either a week before the program date or at the Contact Meeting.
  • Groups that change their participant count to less than 85% of the confirmed participant count within one week of the program date are subject to a $50.00 processing fee.
  • Groups with less than 85% of the confirmed final participant count on the day of the program will result in a fee of $100.00 charged to the organization or Group Contact.

Day of Program Fees

  • Failure to arrive on the day of the program will result in a fee of $100.00 charged to the organization or Group Contact.
  • Groups that arrive with less than 85% of the confirmed final participant count will result in a fee of $100.00 charged to the organization or Group Contact.
  • Refunds are not available for individual no-shows.

Group Contact

  • The group contact must be present during the challenge course program for the entire duration.
  • An in-person meeting must be scheduled between the group contact and the Head Facilitator staff assigned to the group at least 5 business days before the program date.
  • The purpose of the meeting is to maximize your group experience by defining goals and expectations and signing the contract.
  • Failure to schedule and meet before the program will result in the cancellation of the program.
  • A final participant count must be provided at least five (5) business days before the program date.
  • The group contact will be contacted by the Head Facilitator through the email provided on the reservation request.
  • When a high elements program is scheduled on a different date other than the low elements program (within the same semester) the group contact person must remain the same and two different meetings will be scheduled for each program with the Head Facilitator.
  • The group contact is responsible for ensuring that the group is properly informed and ready for the day's events. This includes distributing all pertinent information to parents, participants, and other key members that need to be informed of the program requirements.

Clothing and Equipment

  • All jewelry of any kind MUST be removed to participate.
  • Participants must wear appropriate athletic clothing (no jeans) and hard-soled, closed-toed tennis shoes only.
  • Members of the group cannot use personal climbing equipment and must use the gear provided by the UCF Challenge Course.

Release of Liability and Medical Forms

  • Non-UCF student participants under the age of 18 must-have a Medical Information Form and Release Liability Form signed by a parent or legal guardian. The minimum age for the Challenge Course is 16 years old. 
  • UCF student participants under the age of 18 do not need forms signed by a parent or legal guardian.
  • The minimum age required to participate in any Challenge Course Program is 16 years of age (including low and high elements).
  • Completion of the Release of Liability and Medical Information Forms are required for participation in any Challenge Course event.

Severe Weather

  • Weather conditions are variables we can't control. Cancellations based on weather will be made only by the RWC Staff.
  • If a Challenge Course program must be canceled due to severe weather conditions, every effort will be made to reschedule the event. If the program cannot be rescheduled because RWC Challenge Course reasons a full refund will be issued.
  • A program that is 75% complete will be considered a full program and will not be rescheduled.

Tower Policies

  • Personal Harnesses manufactured by approved companies, climbing shoes, and chalk bags are permitted. Harness must be manufactured for climbing and hold both UIAA and CE certification. 
  • Proper athletic Attire is required while climbing and belaying. Climbing shoes must be worn while climbing. 
  • It is recommended all jewelry be removed while climbing and belaying at the tower.  
  • Equipment must be checked and approved by staff before climbing and belaying. 
  • A Figure Eight Follow Thru knot is the required knot for tying into a climbing rope. Back-up knots are not permitted, and the knot must be well-dressed. 
  • Climbers interested in belaying must pass a belay testout, display the appropriate certification card and use proper belaying techniques.  
  • Bouldering is permitted up to the 10ft line. Crash pads should be used when bouldering.  
  • Eating and drinking are prohibited in the Tower area. Closed water containers are permitted.  
  • Horseplay or use of profanity is prohibited. 
  • Participants must abide by the decisions of the outdoor adventure staff. Failure to adhere to these policies and staff could result in loss of climbing and/or RWC privileges. 

Lake Claire Policies

  • To ensure the safety of all guests, the following are prohibited:
    • Swimming
    • Alcohol
    • Tobacco
    • Fishing
    • Unauthorized vehicles on grass
    • Motorized boats
    • Personal stoves or grills
    • Glass containers
    • Water balloons, glitter, confetti, or anything else that leaves little pieces of trash in the environment
    • Unmanned remote-controlled aircraft systems or drones are not permitted on or above UCF Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) outdoor facilities without advance prior authorization from RWC administration.
  • Any safety hazards should be reported immediately to the staff.
  • Participants must abide by the decisions of the Outdoor Adventure staff. Failure to adhere to these policies could result in immediate removal of the facility, loss of equipment rentals and RWC privileges.
  • Pets are not permitted on RWC facilities. Service animals that provide assistance to individuals with disabilities are permitted when in compliance with University policy. Service animals may go on rented vessels but must wear a personal flotation device (PFD). The RWC does not have PFD’s available for service animals.

Equipment and Rentals

  • Only vessels authorized by the RWC staff are permitted for use on Lake Claire. Motorized vessels are strictly prohibited.
  • Grilling may only be done in the designated built-in grills under each pavilion.
  • All rentals require a valid UCF ID or government-issued photo ID.
  • No equipment reservations are accepted. Equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Individuals abusing equipment and/or not following proper procedures may be ineligible to rent equipment in the future.
  • PFD's (Personal Floatation Devices) must be worn at all times while on one of the OA vessels. Service animals may go on rented vessels but must wear a personal flotation device (PFD). The RWC does not have PFD’s available for service animals.
  • UCF students are allowed to bring a non-UCF guest if over the age of 18. Guests must have a government-issued photo ID to participate.


  • Equipment must be returned in the condition it left the boathouse, or damage fees will be assessed.
  • Fees will be assessed at the current retail price for repair or replacement of damaged or lost equipment.
  • If a participant damages a boat, he/she will receive a damage report and will be contacted by the Coordinator of Outdoor Adventure within the next 5 business days.
  • The participants will be required to pay for the damages in the Outdoor Adventure Center.


  • All groups must reserve the Lake Claire facility through the Recreation and Wellness Center reservation page.
  • Reservation requests must be made at least 21 business days prior to the day of the event or by special request pending the approval of the Assistant Director of Outdoor Adventure.
  • Reservations must be canceled at least 48 hours in advance.

Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability 

  • A waiver must be filled out in order to rent any equipment. UCF students (if under 18) need a parent/guardian signature on the waiver.

Severe Weather

  • During open hours of operation, participants will be warned by the staff members of the inclement weather. All participants are recommended to leave the facility and return to the RWC, their vehicles, or a lightning-rod-equipped shelter.

OAC Policies

  • Renter must have adequate means of transporting large equipment (i.e. boats and boards). OAC staff reserves the right to refuse a request based on renter's inadequate means of transportation for the equipment.
  • Late fees will be assessed at the daily rate for each business day the equipment is not returned past the due date.
  • Equipment must be properly cleaned, dried and packed prior to its return. Users will be assessed a cleaning fee for equipment that is returned dirty or wet.
  • Fees will be assessed at the current retail price for repair or replacement of damaged or lost equipment.
  • Individuals abusing equipment or not following procedures may be ineligible to rent equipment in the future.
  • If renting equipment for a group, please be aware that the individual renting the equipment is responsible for all equipment as indicated on the contract and will be charged individually any late, lost, damage, or cleaning fees.
  • Equipment must be returned to the Outdoor Adventure Center (OAC) in the condition it left in or cleaning and damage fees will be assessed. We ask you to check over the equipment prior to leaving the OAC to identify any pre-existing damage or missing parts. Please ask the OAC staff if you have any questions as to the proper use and care of the equipment. Once in your possession, proper use and care of the equipment is your responsibility. Unreturned equipment, Unpaid late or damaged equipment fees will result in a suspension of RWC use privileges.
  • All equipment is inspected and the condition of the equipment is documented before and after it is rented. The renter is responsible for any late, lost, dirty, and/or damaged equipment and the resulting fees. All equipment must be returned during the OAC's regular hours. Equipment left outside the OAC will be subject to a $50 abandonment fee. Please see the Gear Rental Agreement and Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk forms for more details.


Outdoor Facility Policies

RWC Park Policies

  • Students must have a valid UCF ID when participating in Open Recreation and/or Intramural Sports.
  • Food, sunflower seeds, chewing gum, glass containers, cans, and beverages not in sealable containers are prohibited.
  • Smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol, and any open flames are not permitted.
  • Golfing, metal cleats, or other sharp objects are not permitted.
  • Bicycles, rollerblades, golf carts, and other unauthorized motor vehicles are prohibited.
  • Goals, bleachers, and other equipment may not be moved without the permission of the staff.
  • Violation of the above policies is grounds for immediate removal from the facility and may result in further disciplinary action.
  • Unmanned remote-controlled aircraft systems or drones are not permitted on or above UCF Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) outdoor facilities without advance prior authorization from RWC administration.
  • Pets are not permitted on RWC facilities. Service animals that provide assistance to individuals with disabilities are permitted when in compliance with University policy.
  • Fishing is prohibited on RWC facilities.
  • This facility is for use by students, members, and their registered guests.
  • All students must be at least 17 years of age and all members and guests must be at least 18 years of age.
  • All users are required to have photo identification with them at all times and must be willing to present it if requested by a Recreation and Wellness Center staff member.
  • No alcohol is permitted on the premises.
  • Please see the schedule for court availability as reservations take priority. Equipment is available for check out inside the RWC facility with proper ID.
  • Lights automatically turn off at midnight.

Tennis Court Policies

  • This facility is for use by students, members, and their registered guests.
  • All students must be at least 17 years of age and all members and guests must be at least 18 years of age.
  • All users are required to have photo identification with them at all times and must be willing to present it if requested by a Recreation and Wellness Center staff member.
  • No alcohol is permitted on the premises.
  • Please see the schedule for court availability as reservations take priority. Equipment is available for check out inside the RWC facility with proper ID.
  • Lights automatically turn off at 10 pm.


RWC @ Downtown Facility Policies

Facility Policies

The RWC Downtown is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy. Please adhere to the following facility policies:

  • Participation is voluntary. Exercise at your own risk.
  • Photo ID required. Transfer of ID’s or assistance with ineligible entry is strictly prohibited
  • UCF and Valencia College students must be at least 17 years of age. Members and guests must be at least 18 years of age
  • Appropriate athletic attire is required
  • No food permitted in the facility. Only sealable drinking containers are permitted
  • Filming is not permitted unless authorized by RWC staff
  • Pets are not permitted on RWC facilities. Service animals that provide assistance to individuals with disabilities are permitted when in compliance with University policy
  • Bicycles, skateboards, motorized skateboards/scooters & roller blades are not permitted in the building
  • RWC is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items
  • Users who disregard policies and guidelines may be asked to leave the facility and may face disciplinary action
  • Report any injuries or broken equipment to RWC staff immediately

Fitness Policies

  • Bags are not permitted on the weight floor. Please place all belongings in a locker
  • Return all equipment to proper location after use
  • Please do not drop free weights or bars on the floor
  • Standing overhead barbell press and Olympic lifts are prohibited
  • The use of chalk is prohibited in the free weight and functional areas
  • The functional training rig and attachments may be utilized for its intended use only. Please consult with RWC staff for questions or assistance.
  • Only RWC employees are permitted to train clients in the facility
  • Collars are required to be used on free weight bars with plates
  • Limit your time using equipment during peak hours
  • Wipe down equipment after each use with supplied gym wipes
  • The group exercise studio is available for individual use when a scheduled class is not in session. Users may use authorized equipment located in the room for stretching and body-weight exercises. Facility equipment and weights may not be brought into the space. Please discontinue use of the room 15 minutes prior to a scheduled class or reservation


Appropriate athletic attire is required to promote a clean and safe environment. While utilizing fitness facilities and programs within the RWC, users should follow these guidelines:

  • Jeans and cargo shorts/pants are not permitted
  • Clothing with any protruding metallic zippers, clasps, hooks, buttons and chains may not be worn
  • Athletic shoes or sneakers are required at all times. Footwear must be closed toe and have non-marking soles.
  • Shirts or tank tops must be worn at all times. Shirts or tank tops must cover the lower back, front and sides of the torso. Shirts that are manufactured or altered to expose the abdominal area or ribcage are not considered appropriate.
  • Shirts should be free of any offensive language or symbols
  • Shorts must be long enough to cover the buttocks and groin area while exercising
  • The RWC reserves the right to restrict the use of any apparel deemed unsafe or inappropriate. Users may be asked to adjust apparel or risk being asked to leave the facility.